The core Access itself - The Database window

It is the place where you can find everything you'll need in Access -

Note |

If you do not install the samples when you installed Access, you'll be prompted to insert your Office CD-ROM the first time you try to open one of the sample databases.


Because a database stores all your data in one place, you need to be especially cautious with database files.  Access stores all your data in a single file with the extension .mdb.  You therefore should make a backup copy of this file on a regular basis by copying it to a disk, CD-ROM or another computer.


Tips |

If you have a Web site, you can post Access pages to the internet.  Just ask the Office Assistant "How do I publish pages?"

Tips |

When you drag an object to a group, it creates a shortcut to the object, not a copy of the object.  If you change the original object, the shortcut in the group automatically opens the new version

Note |

You cannot rename or delete the built-in Favorites group.  Do not be alarmed when you see that the Rename and Delete menu items are grayed out when you right-click that group.

Quick Glance on:

Query Object
It provides answers to questions about the data.

It provide a data-entry and display interface.

It enable you to make attractive printed versions of your data.

Macros & Modules
They enable advanced programming operations in a database.